Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Arithmatic Calculator Using 8051 Microcontroller


Though the term calculator is not new to us, we are all well aware about it because of daily life use. We have seen calculators of several functionalities like Scientific calculator, Arithmetic calculator, Statistical calculator but we are not aware about it’s interior means which processor it used, which display panel it is used. If we search about it most of the calculator found that are processor based. But , designing such calculators using controller is a very interesting job. A simple motive is there if we can accomplish a task with the use of controller, why we use processor that tends to complexity of system design. For a large and numerous application processor is suitable but as per the small application is concern we can achieve it with the help of controller and due to the numerous evolution of microcontrollers , they are very much suitable for small application.
Arithmetic calculator is capable of performing arithmetic operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, using which we can perform such operation for multi digit inputed data as well as single digit input data. For multi digit computation memory requirement is more and for single digit computation memory requirement is less. This project is accomplished with AT89C51 Microcontroller which is a 8051 family microcontroller.

Hardware and Software Requirement

         8051 Microcontroller
         LCD 16X2 (LM016L)
         4X4 Keypad
         Crystal Oscillator (11.0592)
         Capacitor (33uF,10uF)
         Push Button Switch
         Resistor (10k)
         Power Supply (Battery)
         Voltage Regulator (7805)

         Keil-uVision3 (Compiler)

         Proteus (Simulator)

Circuit Diagram

Download Source Code and Simulation (below link)  


i.                  The Row is connected to port P1(P1.0-P1.3) and column is connected to (P1.4-P1.7).
ii.                The LCD data pins are connected to P2 .
iii.               The LCD control pins are connected as
Register Select -- P3.7
Enable              -- P3.6
Read/Write      -- P3.5 or it can be grounded.   

      **** Ask for any doubt.

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